Saturday 24th – Monday 25th May 2019 Saturday dawned overcast and damp and we heard that flights to and from St Mary’s were cancelled because of the weather conditions so our decision to hire the boat the day before was vindicated. We took the ferry back to St Mary’s: Matilda had identified a few items she was considering buying and we took a short walk round the town, although the views and Star Castle were shrouded in mist. When we returned to Tresco Jaime and Ruth went to collect bicycles to use the following day and took an exploratory ride. Following massages to relieve accumulated back, neck and shoulder tension on Sunday morning, while Jaime and Ruth took to their bikes, Robert and Matilda opted to walk round the island, taking in both King Charles’ Castle and Cromwell’s Castle . . . . . . as well as spectacular views across the sandy bays . . . and beaches. . . . . . and the Tresco Abbey Gardens where the walkers reunited with the cyclists for refreshments. They say you can’t go back but we have thoroughly enjoyed returning to Tresco . . . . . . and hope […]
2019 Tresco
Friday 24th May 2019 The weather forecast meant that Friday was the best day to hire a boat from Hut 62 on Bryher. Our boat was delivered to the jetty in front of Bay House and we were given life jackets, a chart, a basic first aid kit and a training session. Because the tidal range makes such a difference to the water level between the various islands, on a few days each year the water is actually low enough for people to walk between Tresco and Bryher and Robert has done this in the past. We were therefore advised to take a small one-man dinghy with us, allowing one of us to drop the others, then take the boat into deeper water to moor and return to shore in the dinghy, so that the boat did not become beached. As we crossed towards Bryher to collect the dinghy, a helicopter flew overhead. To help to manage the tidal range we were also advised to go to the farthest point we wished to visit and then return as the tide was going out. We planned to finish our day trip on Bryher where we could spend a few hours while […]
Thursday 23rd May 2019 Our first full day on Tresco was to be a day of celebration and planning. Our two daughters were travelling to join us and Ruth had completed the viva for her masters the day before. We took the fast boat from New Grimsby quay . . . . . . back to Saint Mary’s, strolled around the town briefly then went to meet them on the quay to travel back together. We identified a number of places we hoped to visit and activities to do and went to check availability and prices. A ticket one way on the fast boat between St Mary’s and Tresco is £10. So with four adult fares on every journey, the cost soon adds up. However, you can hire a boat from Hut 62 for £100 per day and be master of your own destiny, although there are some limitations: you are not allowed to go to St Mary’s, for example, or beyond Cromwell’s Castle. The three female Herds all felt in need of a massage and we found we could only book these for Sunday morning. Looking at the weather forecast, Friday seemed to be the best day for hiring […]
Wednesday 22nd May 2019 The journey to the Isles of Scilly includes a range of different transport options and so strongly appeals to Robert. As he arrived back from France on Tuesday evening he had decided to optimise our time on Tresco by going straight to catch the overnight sleeper from Paddington Station where Matilda greeted a much-loved character from her childhood reading. The first class waiting room was almost deserted. Our experience of first class sleepers in India had made us slightly wary but our cabin was clean and comfortable, if rather compact. We were able to have a bite to eat and a night cap in the buffet car before settling in for the train journey to Penzance. It is a short walk from Penzance Station to the dock from whence the Scillonian departs. Staff take charge of luggage and labels show which of the islands it needs to be transported to. Restorative coffees were available on board, the crossing was calm and sunny. It was a real pleasure to spot dolphins and whales playing in the wake behind the ship. We felt thrice blessed when we saw seals on the crossing from St Mary’s quay to Tresco. […]