The campsite in Norwich was very peaceful and you would not expect to find such an oasis of calm so close to an English city. We will certainly use this again if we are visiting relatives there.

Ralf has not been himself today: primarily evidenced by not eating any breakfast. This may have been because he shared some leftover cold pizza with Robert and Matilda before the morning walk. But just ten minutes into the walk he stopped and refused to continue: he then declined to eat. The day has therefore been spent being very attentive to his every whine and whimper as dog vomit in the motorhome is something to avoid. He became very agitated travelling through a village on the way from Norwich to Southwold and Matilda suggested stopping in case he felt unwell.
We found a place to stop beyond the built up area and Ralf jumped down and proceeded to sniff enthusiastically all along the hedgerows. No noticeable signs of illness. It is possible that he feels that the slower progress through towns, with the many junctions, pedestrians and traffic lights indicates a stop is imminent and therefore, as many people travelling to new places do, he gets excited at the prospect.
We are back in Southwold and have decided that the plots round the edge of the site are preferable as no-one is then inclined to use your space as a thoroughfare.

Another of our favourite pubs from previous visits to Southwold is the Red Lion. Matilda wanted to spend time looking around the shops in the town, so forced Robert to spend an hour/two pints in the beer garden to avoid having to take turns going into shops and looking after Ralf.

On the way back from the town we decided to try and re-enact (at Jaime’s request) a photo we took of the the girls that we used on our family Christmas card 15 years ago… What do you think? Scroll down to see virtual Ruth and Jaime.

Paella on the BBQ…will definitely make that again…

And…all six of us…