We had planned our destination for today, but on arrival it really was in the middle of nowhere and there was no chance of meeting Matilda’s culture quotient. We are beginning to be more adept at accurately deciphering the BritStops entries. We had already discounted several pubs which mention their children’s play areas as, with daughters in their twenties this is not a current requirement of ours. If it says “popular with walkers and cyclists” it is likely to be without anything except beautiful scenery and consequently far too remote for Matilda.
We looked at the map and found another place slightly closer to home, about an hour’s drive further on and set off.
Bodiam boasts a steam railway, a castle and a pleasant country pub. We came here many years ago to celebrate Ruth’s third birthday and had a lovely day with the extended family so we have fond memories of the place too.
As we had had a very substantial meal the night before, we travelled before having breakfast so it was more like brunch in Alan on arrival. This could be the way forward as we are both quite early risers but not necessarily hungry first thing.
The Kent and East Sussex Railway runs steam trains from Tenterden to Bodiam and we walked along the River Rother and found the end of the new extension to the Rother Valley Railway which is currently under construction and will link Robertsbridge to Bodiam from the other direction.
We watched a steam train leave – there really is nothing like the sound of a steam train starting off. Robert says it is the sound of the steam building up pressure in the pistons as they start to generate speed.

Lesson for the day: one of the differences between motorhoming and hotels is that if you arrive somewhere which doesn’t seem to be quite what you were hoping for, you have the freedom to change your mind and move on.