Monday, 27th August 2018

Travelling Herd needs all the technology available to keep the blog up-to-date…

As we were conducting our own tour of Budapest we were first off the boat after lunch and headed straight to the Great Market Hall so that Robert could invest in some paprika to perfect his goulash and we could return any purchases to the boat before going to look round the city.
We walked along the river front by the trams.

And paused to admire an artist at work.

We crossed to the Buda side of the city and took the funicular up to Castle Hill to enjoy the views back across the river from Fisherman’s Bastion to the Parliament Building.

The guards at the top of Castle Hill are so still and tanned they almost look plastic.

But the views are impressive.

Matthias Church has a colourful geometrically tiled roof but it can be difficult to get the best angle for a photograph.

The interior is beautifully stencilled from floor to ceiling in warm almost autumnal shades of orange, brown, green and gold and unusually you can also climb to a gallery level for views of the interior from a different perspective.

Unfortunately, the cafe at the top of Fisherman’s Bastion was not serving ice cream today . .

but the views are impressive.

Matilda is reluctant to try a Segway tour as she doesn’t think her sense of balance is good enough. However, we passed this company and she is quite prepared to try a driving tour.

Finally, we visited Szimpla Kert again – the first ruin bar to open in Budapest. While sitting having a drink, Robert noticed an American girl making a video for her Snapchat account. If you know Robert, then you will appreciate that he could not help himself and got involved in her arty masterpiece. He also manage to convince her to ‘airdrop’ her masterpiece to him as well. Enjoy…
We were first off the boat and last to return. We should have returned a little later as the Parliament Building was illuminated about five minutes after we cruised past on our way out of Budapest towards Bratislava.
Video of the day: As we departed Budapest at the end of the day one member of Travelling Herd wished they were on the party boat instead of the old people’s cruise…

Miles walked today: 9.2
Route Map: