We are determined not to be just fair weather motorhomers, so despite the weather forecast predicting three days of thunder storms, we set off for the south coast. Matilda was more concerned about Robert’s health than the weather as he has a debilitating cough which had been keeping us both awake at night.
On the way to Peacehaven we passed the Westerham Brewery, and felt we really should call in. Robert has tried their beer on various occasions, and although this is actually very close to home we have never visited before. It is the second largest brewery in Kent and the barman was truly welcoming and friendly. It is in beautiful countryside and we plan to visit the Brewery Tap in the future.
After a one and a half hour drive almost directly due south we hit the coast to the east of Brighton and the cliff top location of Peacehaven which was specially built for returning, injured soldiers after WWI. It is also famous for the scene at the end of Quadrophenia when the character Jimmy Cooper sends his moped over the cliff.

Our location for the evening was the car park at the back of the Telscombe Tavern on the top of the cliffs overlooking the see with views to Brighton in the distance. We travelled without water to limit the weight and improve fuel-efficiency so the first job was to fill up with water. We knew in advance that water was available, but as the tap was close to the pub and there were cars parked in between this was not as readily accessible as we had hoped: our 15-metre hose was five or six metres too short. As an alternative, we started to use a collapsible water container to transfer water from the tap to Alan. After the first container full we began to worry about the number of journeys it would take using this five-litre method to transport enough for two showers, cooking, coffee and washing up. Even when Matilda suggested parking transversely, sideways instead of lengthways, to get a little closer, our hose would still not quite reach. However, our small extension hose made all the difference.
The storms did not materialise and The Telscombe Tavern, provided a warm and sunny welcome. Some of the main meals are half price here on Mondays, even on bank holidays, and it was cheaper to buy a whole meal than a side order of chips. So, what are you going to do? Three main meals later. . . that’s between two, not each.

Lesson for the day: buy a second extension hose.