Maspalomas: Thursday, 15th – Friday, 16th November 2018 Robert has not previously wanted to commit to staying in one place for too long as he has always wanted to maximise the number of places we visit in a limited period of time. Now that we have more time at our disposal Matilda has been encouraging him to embrace the “two nights” concept so that she does less packing and has fewer travelling days. So on this trip it is two days per location and this seems to be going well. Thursday was the transfer day between the two locations on the island and we caught a local bus, for one hour, to travel the length of the island, north to south, to Maspalomas and our new hotel which boasts a pool, pool bar and spa complex . . . . . . .and the receptionist said we would have good views from our balcony. . . . . . across the golf course. The evening view of the hotel bar and pool was also impressive. Playa des Maspalomas and Playa des Ingles (Englishman’s beach) together offer visitors over six kilometres of sand. One version has it that Playa des Ingles was named […]
2018 Gran Canaria
Las Palmas: Tuesday, 13th – Wednesday, 14th November 2018 We were not sure quite what to expect from Gran Canaria out of season and, over the first two days, Las Palmas turned out to be a city of two halves. Having been given a free upgrade by the hotel we very happily settled in to our suite on arrival. We then took our customary walk somewhere new for Robert to get his bearings. This took us along the sea front at Playa de Las Canteras, the longest beach on the island at almost four kilometres. The beach is protected by La Barra – a rocky strip running parallel with the shore -and the end where the breakers are more lively seems to be given over to surf schools. The sand lends itself to the creation of detailed and complex sculptures . . . . . . and Matilda judged the sea to be warmer than the hotel pool she had dabbled her fingers into earlier. We realise that we have had our expectations raised by the extraordinary beauty and style of some of the city squares we have visited in mainland Europe recently: Nancy, Krakov and Brugges spring to mind, but the […]