Monday, 29th October 2018 Robert enjoyed testing Alan’s levelling system to empty the tanks before we left Brugge to reduce the weight and maximise fuel economy. We had planned to go to a beer warehouse in Poperinge which Robert has visited several times before but we found it was closed on Mondays so a google search came up with Drunken Vandewoude, Brouwerijstraat 5, 8600 Diksmuide. A family run concern who were very welcoming, allowing Ralf to wander round the warehouse which offered a wide range of very tempting options. Even Alan didn’t seem capacious enough and the journey home was punctuated by the rattling of bottles. Walked today: 5.0 miles Driving distance today: 109.64 miles Total Tour Distance: 1,190 miles
Daily Archives: 29/10/2018
Sunday, 28th October 2018 Our journey to Brugge was marked by a number of events. The first of these was a very stressful moment when we thought we might run out of fuel but thankfully managed to fill up by diverting off the main road. Secondly, having previously been directed down some very rural lanes which were not necessarily suitable for a motor home the size of Alan, we chose to ignore our sat nav directions. This accounts for the large loop north on today’s route. We then had to wait for the drawbridge to lower. Brugge is one of our favourite cities and it is always a pleasure to return. Is it the architecture, the canals, the Tin Tin merchandise, the beer, the bars or a combination of everything? This time, we were however, very mindful that Ralf had been scared by the horses hooves on the cobbles and is not really a “townie”. We did however feel he should be introduced to “Bar Bertie” as this is a favourite hostelry and a bit of a tradition for us when we visit this city. Whenever we visit with John and Belinda Robinson, although there are so many fabulous places […]