Read this blog: The one where we revisit Reims Wednesday 27th to Saturday 30th September 2023 We set off early in Al the Motorhome to travel through the Channel Tunnel to Calais. The last time we took a motorhome to Europe in 2018 it was the original [larger] version of Alan and before any additional restrictions resulting from Brexit or Covid. On that journey we took our dog Ralf and whilst we were more or less waived through, he had to have been vaccinated against rabies; have his own pet passport; be seen for a health check by a vet before leaving the UK and be seen again by a vet within 24 hours of leaving Europe to return. We were so grateful to our friends Richard and Mandie for their hospitality and their support on this previous visit and for making an appointment for Ralf with their vet. This time there were border controls and stamps in our passports before we could board Le Shuttle. From Calais it was almost a straight motorway down to Reims – our first stopping off point on our way to watch New Zealand play Italy in Lyon – and we were struck by how little […]
Daily Archives: 02/10/2023
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