Thursday 7th March 2019 Every ticket sold on reserved trains on Indian Railways has a 10 digit PNR number. Day trains tend to have seats so when you buy your ticket you will know your PNR and a specific seat and coach number. For the night trains with sleeping compartments, you do not now your PNR until four to one hours before departure. This is because Indian Railways does not yet know the final mix of passengers. Category AC1 which is the best class of overnight accommodation, and the one we are using, is a mixture of two or four berth compartments. They will never mix male and female passengers. Because we are travelling as a couple we are most likely to be allocated a two berth. We may find, however, that later in the trip, we could be split and Matilda is in a female berth with three other travellers while Robert is in a berth with three other males. On some platforms there is a big board showing your berth allocations but this is not always the case. The guard always knows where people have been allocated. Most customers use the internet and you can look up your […]